Initial port done

We have a functional site. Now I need to fix the theme up a bit so it supports all the things I want
This commit is contained in:
Dominik V. Salonen 2018-09-03 11:12:50 +02:00
parent ebee1fb37c
commit 30d94494a3
11 changed files with 38 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -1,63 +1,48 @@
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Quad's blog"
theme = "casper-two"
disqusShortname = ""
paginate = 6
#SectionPagesMenu = "main"
canonifyurls = true
Title = "Quad's blog"
theme = "peruna"
copyright = "© Dominik V. Salonen"
title = "Quad's blog"
subtitle = "I'd write about life, but I don't have one."
copyright = "© 2018"
cover = "/content/images/2016/02/Ghost-front-final.jpg"
description = "Here is a description of your site."
#metaDescription = ""
#googleAnalytics = ""
customCSS = ["css/custom.css"]
RSSLink = ""
twitterName = "Kuwaddo"
#fbName = "fakeghost"
#githubName = "eueung"
#linkedinName = "eueung"
#mediumName = ""
logo = "/img/logo-invert.png"
orgName = "Quad"
orgWebsite = ""
orgDescription = "Here is a description placeholder for your org"
showSupport = true
author = "Quad"
authorAvatar = "img/avi.png"
authorLocation = "Norway"
authorWebsite = ""
authorDescription = "A legendary chimera created by combining weeaboos, nerds and humans. Said to be very aggressive towards anyone who praises Microsoft Windows. It is also oddly fascinated by blinking lights and beeps."
pageNotFoundTitle = "404 - Page not found"
#casper or caspertwo
singleViewStyle = "casper"
post = "/:slug/"
paginate = 5
# Social accounts. Link to these accounts are displayed in the header and
# footer
twitter = "Kuwaddo"
facebook = ""
instagram = ""
googleplus = "" #
github = ""
gitlab = ""
npm = ""
codepen = ""
dribbble = ""
fivehundredpx = "" # 500px
flickr = ""
pinterest = ""
tumblr = ""
vimeo = ""
youtube = ""
linkedin = ""
# Disqus shortname
disqus = ""
# Google Analytics API key.
ga_api_key = ""
# Logo image. This is displayed ogp image.
logo = "/path/to/logo"
favicon = "/path/to/favicon"
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 200
name = "Blog"
url = "/"
weight = 1
name = "Fediverse"
url = ""
weight = 99
name = "Website"
url = ""
weight = 2
name = "Website"
url = ""
weight = 95
identifier = "theme"
name = "Theme"
weight = 3