diff --git a/scripts/README.md b/scripts/README.md index 0d8312a..8b173df 100644 --- a/scripts/README.md +++ b/scripts/README.md @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ To quickly install the scripts, make sure `git` is installed and run this in a t mkdir -p ~/.local git clone https://gitea.quad.moe/quad/win3-resources.git ~/.local/gpd-win3 echo -e "\n# GPD Win 3 scripts\nPATH=\"\${PATH}:\${HOME}/.local/gpd-win3/scripts\"" >> ~/.bashrc +# This last line is optional. It displays your TDP every time you open a terminal +echo "tdp check" >> ~/.bashrc ``` Then restart your terminal. Run `tdp check` to test if it's working. It should report back current TDP.