# Scripts A collection of scripts for the GPD Win 3. Mostly to minimize the reuqired typing on the keyboard. To install scripts, copy them somewhere on your Win 3, then add them to your path. This is done by adding a line to the end of `~/.bashrc` I recommend cloning the repo as `~/.local/gpd-win3` for all the scripts to work properly. ## Quick install To quickly install the scripts, paste this block into a terminal on your GPD Win 3: ```bash if [ -z $(which git 2>/dev/null) ]; then printf "\n$(tput setaf 1)-- We didn't find git! Is it installed? --$(tput sgr0)\n\n" printf "On Ubuntu and similar distros, git can be installed with the following command:\n" printf " $(tput setaf 2)sudo apt install git$(tput sgr0)\n\n" printf "Please try again after installing git.\n\n" else printf "$(tput setaf 2)-- Installing scripts --$(tput sgr0)\n" mkdir -p ~/.local git clone https://forge.quad.moe/quad/win3-resources.git ~/.local/gpd-win3 echo -e "\n# GPD Win 3 scripts\nPATH=\"\${PATH}:\${HOME}/.local/gpd-win3/scripts\"" >> ~/.bashrc printf "$(tput setaf 2)-- Install finished. Please open a new terminal to use the scripts --$(tput sgr0)\n" fi ``` To update, run: ```bash gpd-script-update ``` ### "Install" TDP manager The TDP manager has a GUI. This can be added to your application menu by running the following command: ```bash tdp-gui-install ``` You might have to log out and back in before the TDP Manager appears in your application menu. ### Manual install - Clone the repository somewhere (preferably `~/.local/gpd-win3`) - Ensure the scripts folder is in your PATH - (Optional) add `tdp check` to your .bashrc, which will display TDP every time you open a terminal ## Uninstall If you wish to uninstall the scripts follow the instructions in this block: ```bash # Edit your .bashrc and remove the GPD-related entries at the bottom nano ~/.bashrc # Delete the repository rm -rf ~/.local/gpd-win3 # Delete the application shortcut for the TDP manager (If installed) rm -rf ~/.local/share/applications/tdp-gui.desktop # Delete the systemd service (If installed) sudo systemctl disable --now tdp-set.service sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/tdp-set.service ``` ## TDP Lets you easily set the TDP via the `intel_rapl` driver. Also has a basic GUI available. TDP is the number of watts the Intel chip is allowed to use. You would typically want to change this to fit your desired balance of performance and battery life. Or to use different amounts of power when docked or handheld. For details on how to use, run `tdp help`. Example commands: ```bash # Print help tdp help # Launch GUI tdp gui # Check TDP tdp check # Set TDP to 8W tdp set 8 # Set both PL1 and PL2 to 15W tdp set 15 --same --detail ``` ### Setting TDP at boot Install the service using the following command: `cp ~/.local/gpd-win3/scripts/tdp-set.service /etc/systemd/system/` Run `nano /etc/systemd/system/tdp-set.service` and edit the `ExecStart=` line so it points to the correct place and enter the TDP you want at the end: ``` ExecStart=/home//.local/gpd-win3/scripts/tdp set 12 ``` Enable the service: ```bash sudo systemctl deamon-reload sudo systemctl enable tdp-set.service ``` Reboot your Win 3, then run `tdp check` to check that TDP was set correctly. ## Touch fix The script `touch-fix` unloads, then loads the touchscreen modules needed by the Win 3. This makes the touchscreen work, but only until next reboot. Useful until a permanent fix is available. Example commands: ```bash # Reload touchscreen module touch-fix ``` ## GPD Prompt This is a customized version of my bash prompt that adds a TDP display after the hostname: ![Screenshot of bash prompt in action](../img/gpd-prompt.png) This script collection must be installed for it to work. To use it, open your `~/.bashrc` file and add the following line: ``` source gpd-prompt ``` ### Disabling sudo password If you use your GPD Win 3 as only a gaming device, and security isn't a huge concern. Disabling the password requirement for sudo might be an idea. To do this, run the command `sudo visudo` and ensure the following line is in the file: ``` username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL ``` Replacing `username` with your own username. This will allow sudo commands (including the ones used by scripts) to run without asking for a password.